A City Set on a Hill
June 3, 2020
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your continued steadfastness through this tumultuous season in our society. The upheaval caused by the COVID-19 crisis and the murder of George Floyd have shaken our nation deeply. There is fear and uncertainty around every corner. In such a challenging cultural moment, it is essential for us to be a city set on a hill, shining light into our troubled world (Matthew 5:14-16).
To that end, our brothers and sisters at Elohim Evangelical Church—a PCA church that ministers to the Haitian community on the westside of Jacksonville—are experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 crisis. Jobs have been lost, work hours have been cut, and basic necessities are in short supply. Amidst the tensions that embroil our society, this is a beautiful opportunity for our community to be the Church by demonstrating our love and affection for God’s household—comprised of every tribe and tongue—by giving generously to this particular community’s needs.
In the first century, the apostle Paul expended a great deal of energy collecting funds from the newly formed churches around the Roman empire to send a gift to the church in Jerusalem that was in need (Romans 15:25-32; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15; Galatians 2:9-10). The new churches were made up of Gentiles and Jews; however, the church in Jerusalem was predominantly Jewish. Paul’s collection was an act of mercy and an exhibition of the Church’s solidarity in Jesus Christ. The gift was designed as a statement over and against the theological, racial, and political tensions between Jews and Gentiles that challenged the nascent Church. As one new family in Jesus Christ, Jews and Gentiles had been reconciled to God through Jesus and adopted into one family (Galatians 3:25-29; Ephesians 2:11-22). Therefore, they were to welcome one another and care for one another’s needs (Romans 15:7; Galatians 6:10). In Christ, there was to be no Jew or Greek—they were brothers and sisters in Him (Colossians 3:11). Without question, the Gospel cast a revolutionary vision of a new community into the world of the first century.
And, it continues to do so today.
In our own time, we have opportunity to demonstrate these fundamental convictions, seeking to show mercy and working against the racial fractures that embroil our society. Please join us in a generous outpouring of love for our brothers and sisters at Elohim. It would be a great joy to see our Narthex overflowing with food this Sunday!
A wide variety of food items are needed. Please consider the following as you purchase:
· Dry goods, like pasta, rice, and beans;
· Canned vegetables and sauces;
· Sources of protein, like canned tuna and chicken.
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. And, may God make all grace abound to Christ Church, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, we may abound in every good work through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church