The death & resurrection of Jesus changes everything
We are a liturgical church. This simply means that we follow an order in our service that guides our engagement with God. Our liturgy leads us to renewal by drawing us into God’s presence before sending us back out into the world to serve him. In doing this weekly, we gather to receive grace for the present and to anticipate the world to come—the day when Jesus returns to make everything right.
If interested, download an example of an Order of Worship here, or for a Communion Order of Worship here.
Sunday Mornings
Everyone is welcome in our worship services! We believe that Jesus is the one true hope for sinners, and that includes everyone in this world. And so, wherever your walk is with God, we are glad to have you join us for worship.
At Christ Church, you will encounter people from every generation of life. Church is boring if everyone looks like you, and it certainly doesn’t reflect the diversity of heaven. You’ll find some dressed up and some dressed down. We aren’t too worried about your clothing choice. Such things should not get in the way of what’s important—a humble and thankful heart before God.
What to Expect
Yellowhammer Hymns is a collaborative project between our Senior Pastor, Chuck Colson, and Artist-in-Residence, Andy Zipf. The two collaborate in the creative process to compose songs for congregational worship that also facilitate contemplation of the beauty, power, and goodness of God throughout the week. Inspiration for Yellowhammer’s work comes from in-depth reflection on the Scriptures, particularly the Psalms, where the promises of God intersect the everyday needs and struggles of the believer. From this rich fund, they compose songs and field test them in our congregation to assess their sing-a-bility and spiritual resonance. All albums are recorded at Christ Church by the musicians from our congregation.
Yellowhammer Hymns has released three albums: Yellowhammer Hymns (2020), Safe from Harm (2021), and You Spoke and Tamed the Deep (2022).