A Day of Fasting & Prayer - May 27, 2022

During the Colson sabbatical it is appropriate for us to set aside special time for fasting and prayer, joining the Colson's in asking God for spiritual renewal. A fast is an opportunity for personal self-examination, lament for the broken state of our world, and supplication on behalf of ourselves and all people.

And so, the Session requests all members of Christ Church, who are medically able, to join us in fasting and prayer on the last Friday of May, June, and July, from sunrise to sunset. Below is a suggested format for tomorrow, that provides a structure to guide your prayers in three sessions through the course of the day: morning, midday, and evening. We recommend that you set aside 15-30 minutes of quiet for each session. We hope this is a blessing and encouragement to you!


A Day of Fasting & Prayer - July 29, 2022


Pastoral Sabbatical Information