A Few Highlights
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your ongoing faithfulness and participation at Christ Church! Our partnership together in the Gospel of Jesus Christ affords us the opportunity to share in the grace of God together as his Word dwells richly among us and to bless our neighbors through word and deed.
In the midst of a full ministry calendar at Christ Church, we write to highlight two important items concerning our congregation’s life and ministry. First, per the announcement on Sunday, October 8, 2023, our Capital Fund has received significant contributions this year, collecting over $400,000.00 year-to-date. With these funds, we have been able to reduce the balance on the loan to $214,810.00. We are deeply encouraged by your generosity and excited to be close to retiring our debt.
Towards that end, our Session would like to encourage every household within our congregation to prayerfully consider donating to the Capital Fund in the final quarter of 2023. Our goal is to pay-off the loan as soon as possible so that we can focus our energy and resources on the ministry opportunities that lie before us. Please partner with us to accomplish this goal!
Second, through the month of October, we will receive nominations for the office of Deacon at Christ Church. Please prayerfully review the qualifications for Deacon from 1 Timothy 3.8-13 and consider nominating a candidate. Nomination cards can be found in the Narthex on the counter. To submit a nomination, please seal the envelope and place it in the offering plate or turn it in to the church office.
The Diaconate is a service-oriented ministry that fatigues officers with its constant physical demands and duties. To prevent this dynamic, the Session has decided to establish a rotational system for our Deacons. Each year, a new class of Deacons will be nominated, trained, and elected to serve for a three-year term. This will provide our Deacons with sufficient rest and supply these officers with fresh support each year! We are eager to get this underway and wanted to share this development with you as you think about nominations.
Thank you again for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and to his Church. It is a pleasure to serve you. And, as always, please let us know if you have any questions.
Grace & Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church
(on behalf of the Session)