Congregational Stewardship
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel with Christ Church during this past year! It was a great season of restoration and renewal as we shifted into post-COVID life. The year was occasioned by significant growth in our congregation as we added over sixty new members. Our children’s and youth ministries are full to overflowing; our financial contributions increased by over 20% in comparison to last year. God has been very gracious to us, granting us more than we asked or imagined!
As we look to 2023, we see continued opportunity to advance God’s kingdom, moving into deeper faith and community at Christ Church. That noted, we need your financial partnership to realize these opportunities. To involve our entire congregation in this endeavor, our Session requests that every member household prayerfully consider their financial stewardship and submit a pledge card for 2023 during our worship service on December 4, 2022. In this request, we are seeking to encourage an intentional approach to financial stewardship in which we respond to God’s generosity to us in Jesus Christ through joyful and sacrificial giving (2 Corinthians 9:7).
In the coming year, we are seeking to raise two funds: (1) the General Operating Budget and (2) the Capital Fund. The General Operating Budget involves the daily operations, ministries, and missions of our church. For 2023, this budget was increased by 7% over last year, creating a $950,000 goal. The increase reflects adjustments due to inflationary costs, additions to our Children’s Ministry budget, and enhancements to our Missions program.
Second, the Capital Fund is designed to address the financed portion of our building project. Currently, we owe approximately $660,000 on the loan. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $200,000 to cover the mortgage and reduce the principle next year. We are seeking 100% involvement from our congregation in this fund. Unfortunately, as we get further away from the renovation of the building, it is more and more difficult to raise capital for the building. Please consider a contribution of any size towards the Capital Fund to help us retire this debt as quickly as possible!
Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness in our life together. Our congregation continues to far exceed national averages in financial stewardship; however, national averages are also not our benchmark. Our goal is to be a community yielded to God in every aspect of life as we delight in all that is ours through Jesus Christ. Let’s strive all the more towards this goal in the coming year!
Grace & Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church Presbyterian