School of Discipleship & Town Hall this Sunday

Dear Christ Church Family, 

Thank you for your patience as we’ve gotten off to a bumpy start for 2022! With the Omicron variant of COVID-19 sweeping across the country, our staff and church community have been impacted by sickness and quarantines, as well. Fortunately, the cases in our community have been mild and the numbers of new cases has decreased dramatically. Thanks be to God!

Despite the challenges, we had an excellent start to the year with Sandra McCracken and Sandy Willson at our Spiritual Life Conference. Sandy gave us much to consider in his teaching on personal and corporate revival from 2 Chronicles. If you were unable to participate, please do not miss these sermons. All conference resources are posted on the website for you to enjoy!

Ahead of this Sunday, there are several updates and reminders to disseminate through our community.

First, on behalf of the staff, I’d like to thank our congregation for the generous Christmas gift each staff received from the special offering collected during Advent. This was extremely kind and a blessing to each of our families. We are deeply grateful for our family at Christ Church; it is a privilege to serve here.

Second, this Sunday we will start our School of Discipleship for all ages at 9.30 AM. For adults, we will meet in the Sanctuary for a Town Hall meeting to lay out important dates for the year, discuss the plan for adult School of Discipleship this Spring, review our congregational stewardship, and take a look at plans for Christ Church during my Sabbatical this summer. There is a lot of important information to share so please don’t miss out this Sunday!

I am eager to resume all our ministries this Sunday and will look forward to seeing everyone as we continue our series on the rise and fall of King Solomon. In the meantime, be assured of my prayers and affection for you all.

Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson, Pastor



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