Children's Ministry Update | September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

Dear Families of Christ Church,

Thank you for your patience and perseverance over the past six months since the global pandemic upset our normal operations at Christ Church. Unfortunately, one of the ministries most impacted is our Children’s Ministry—a responsibility and privilege that we seek to fulfill with excellence at Christ Church. It is a grief that we cannot gather our children in their School of Discipleship, hold a nursery, or pull the kids together for a choir. These ministries are rich and important in the life of our church.

However, with these inconveniences, there is also great opportunity. Our work at Christ Church is always and only a compliment to the work of our families training their children in the knowledge of God. Given this, our goal is to serve you as best as possible in your discipleship at home this fall. To that end, we will be releasing a virtual School of Discipleship lesson each Sunday on the Ten Commandments. The lessons are lovingly prepared by our children’s ministry and will provide our kids with a familiar feel to their normal classes. Children will be walked through Bible lessons, memory work, and art responses. Our desire is to assist you in engaging your kids with the truths of the Christian faith to the best of our ability in this complicated season. Please enjoy!

Also, we recognize that gathering for worship is difficult for families with young children, especially without childcare available. While we prize the involvement of our children of all ages in the worship service, we never imagined that every child would be present throughout every service! That said, we would like to commend our families for working so diligently with their children to teach them to worship. It has been amazing to see our little ones adjust to this new reality. Squawks and screams are not a problem! Please know that we are delighted your kids are present. It is a gift to have them in the presence of the living God, being shaped and formed by his Spirit in ways they do not even yet fully recognize. And, this makes all the effort and distraction you endure through a service worth it. Be assured of our ongoing prayers because we know it is a challenge!

As always, please let us know if you have any particular questions or concerns. We are here to serve you and your children. We are grateful for each of you and look forward to the new season ahead!


Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Allison Ristau, Children’s Ministry Coordinator


Financial Update | October 30, 2020


Christ Church Update | September 10, 2020