Christ Church Update | September 10, 2020
Dear Christ Church Family,
As our nation continues to wrestle with the implications of a global pandemic, we give thanks to God for each of you as you exhibit your faith in Jesus Christ, hope in the salvation that is to come, and love for all the saints. COVID-19 has certainly disrupted our normal rhythms of life and ministry at Christ Church; however, God has multiplied his grace and peace among us in this season, turning our hearts to him and to one another. It is a privilege to see the ways you daily care for one another and an honor to serve as your pastor through these troubled days.
Our desire is to continue to provide good spiritual care for our entire congregation through this odd time by offering safe environments for public worship, facilitating opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study, and creating high quality digital resources to stimulate spiritual growth. With the launch of our fall ministries this Sunday, please note the following developments in our congregation’s life.
Worship Services
In order to comfortably accommodate our congregation with appropriate social distancing protocols, please remember that, beginning this Sunday, we will hold two worship services (9 AM and 10:30 AM). The early service will begin promptly at 9 AM. If you plan to attend the late service, please arrive early in order to enjoy fellowship outdoors with those who attend the early service. We would love to preserve our communal fellowship and connections as much as possible as we gather on the Lord’s Day through this season. In compliance with our mayor’s order, facemasks are required at all services for those above six years of age. For those unable to attend, our livestream of the service will continue to be offered at 10:30 AM.
Church Directory Update
This Sunday we will take photos for a new church directory! If you have not taken a photo previously, or if you desire to update your photo, please see Charlotte Reeves in the front yard between services or after the late service. We appreciate your help as we seek to update our directory.
All newcomers to Christ Church, who are interested in learning more about our community and the membership process, please join us for a brief meeting in the sanctuary following the late service this Sunday, September 13. It will be our delight to welcome you, introduce our staff, and provide an overview of the ministry of our church. Time will also be reserved for questions.
Virtual School of Discipleship and Small Groups
Also, this Sunday we encourage you to participate in our virtual School of Discipleship that will be made available digitally through the website. A team of teachers will provide our congregation with high quality biblical teaching to encourage your walk with God. A congregational email will be sent out this weekend with the web link. Please tune in! And, please watch for small group sign-ups. These groups will be hosted throughout the week at the church building with appropriate social distancing measures in place.
Financial Update
As we exit the summer months, we desire to provide our congregation with a financial update. Despite all the challenges of COVID-19, we are happy to report that we are in solid financial shape!
Budget $524,000.00
Giving $510,303.76
Difference -2.6%
Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness to Christ Church during such a challenging year! We fell slightly behind budget due to a slack offering in July. Given this, please partner with us for a solid month of September as we seek to finish the third quarter in good form.
Again, thank you for your grace and patience through this season. I am grateful for each of you and eagerly anticipate what God has in store for us in the months ahead. Life’s trials are never pleasant in the moment, but through them our God is faithful to yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness as he lovingly directs us to himself.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Grace and Peace in Jesus,
Chuck Colson, Pastor (on behalf of the session)