Fall Ministries Update | August 12, 2020
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your ongoing patience and partnership in the Gospel as our Session seeks to develop a ministry plan to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of our congregation in response to the ongoing crisis presented by COVID-19. We live in a challenging cultural moment, but we are grateful for the opportunity to press forward in communing with God in worship and serving in his mission to our city.
Please read the following carefully for an outline of our plan for the fall.
Sunday Worship
With increased attendance at our worship service this summer, we will return to two services on Sunday mornings in order to maintain social distancing protocols. Therefore, beginning on September 13, 2020, we will gather for worship at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Attendance at each service will be limited to one hundred and fifty participants. The seating arrangement, ensuring at least six feet of distance between family units, will continue. And, in compliance with our mayor’s order, we will continue to request that all attendees over the age of six wear a face covering. For those not able to join us, the livestream of the service will continue to be offered at 10:30 AM.
Due to concerns about the spread of the virus, childcare and other children’s ministries will not be open. However, we commend all our parents and children for slugging it out through this season. The kids are adjusting beautifully to a new reality. And, an occasional shriek or scream in worship is good for a pack of Presbyterians! The multi-purpose room will remain open for wiggly toddlers; nursing mothers will also continue to have access to the cry rooms and the infant nursery. Please take advantage of these spaces to care for your children as needed.
Virtual School of Discipleship
With the restrictions social distancing introduces on childcare, we do not believe that we can safely operate our School of Discipleship on Sunday mornings this fall. This is a loss for our community, especially since we looked forward to resuming this ministry after the renovation. That said, we do intend to provide high quality educational resources for our church through a virtual School of Discipleship. Video lectures will be released for the adults each week beginning on September 13, 2020. Our children’s ministry will also release a video and resource families with an at home curriculum that will walk the children of Christ Church through the Ten Commandments.
Small Group Bible Studies
Traditionally, our church has hosted various sized Bible studies throughout the week in homes, restaurants, and at the church. Due to concerns over the spread of the virus, we do not believe it is wise for small groups to gather in home environments. Given this, several morning and evening Bible studies, primarily through our men’s and women’s ministries, will be hosted at the church building. Groups will meet in our multi-purpose room and under the pavilion with social distancing parameters. Sign-ups for groups of approximately 8-12 individuals will be available in the near weeks. Please remain posted for specific details.
Again, thank you for your patience and understanding through these strange times. God is faithfully providing for our congregation and we are eager to continue in his work. We are grateful for each of you and continue to pray for your health and prosperity, in body and soul, through this challenging season.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson, Pastor
Jim Dickenson, Clerk-of-Session