Christ Church Update - July 1, 2020
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thanks for your continued patience and partnership in the Gospel through this challenging season. I am grateful for each of you and continue to hold you in my prayers. These are strange and uncertain times, but please remember that our God remains the same—yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is our shepherd who keeps us from all want, even in the darkest of hours (Psalm 23:1-6).
Due to the rise of positive COVID-19 cases in North Florida, our mayor, Lenny Curry, issued an emergency order this week mandating the use of face masks in public and indoor locations for every person over the age of six years old. Therefore, beginning this Sunday, July 5, 2020, face masks will be required of all attendees over six years of age. If you do not have a mask, or perhaps forget to bring one, Christ Church will have face coverings available.
Also, with this change in operations, we will hold ONE worship service at 10:30 AM for those able to attend. With summer attendance patterns, we have the capacity to comfortably accommodate attendees while also observing good distance from other family units. For those unable to attend, the livestream of the worship service will be available at 10:30 AM this week and may be viewed at any time following the service from the church website.
Additionally, please continue to observe the following guidelines for worship.
We ask that our attendees respect social distancing guidelines, especially before and after the service. Please visit with friends and socialize outside of the building. The new pavilion provides a wonderful space to do so.
Please refrain from attending if you have been exposed recently to the virus or are not feeling well.
As Christians, we are happy to comply with our governing authorities request as they seek the general welfare of our city (Romans 13:1-7). Face masks are uncomfortable and inconvenient, but we live in uncomfortable and inconvenient times.
So, grab your mask this Sunday and join us as we gather to worship God; who, despite all the chaos of our world, remains worthy of all our praise. Let’s continue to seek him with our whole hearts through this challenging season.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Grace and Peace in Jesus,
Chuck Colson, Pastor