Stewardship Update
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel with Christ Church this past year! God richly blessed our congregation in 2024 as we pressed into the depths of his riches and wisdom revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
Though 2024 brought change to our staff team, the year was marked by solid numerical growth as our regular attendance continued to expand. Financial contributions to the General Operating Budget increased by 8% from the previous year, totaling $1,167,111.22. Additionally, through the generous gifts of our congregation, we retired the debt incurred in the $3.1 million renovation of our building and replaced the roof on our sanctuary. This is all great news that testifies to our congregation’s generosity. We are grateful for your financial partnership and give thanks to our heavenly Father for opening his hand and satisfying our needs.
As we lean into 2025, we see continued opportunity to advance God’s kingdom in Jacksonville and around the world, moving into deeper faith, service, and community at Christ Church. That noted, we need your financial partnership to realize these opportunities. To involve our entire congregation in this endeavor, our Session requests that every member household prayerfully consider their financial stewardship and submit a pledge card for 2025 during our worship service on February 2, 2025. In this request, we are seeking to encourage an intentional approach to financial stewardship in which we respond to God’s generosity to us in Jesus Christ through joyful and sacrificial giving (2 Corinthians 9:7).
In the coming year, we have two financial goals. First, we have set a goal of $1,165,000.00 for the General Operating Budget. This budget serves the daily operations, ministries, and missions of Christ Church. The budget increase reflects plans to hire additional staff to serve our growing ministries, specifically our children, youth, and women’s ministry programs. Alongside this, we continue to expand our Missions budget to build ministry partnerships around the world. Please stay tuned for more details in the coming months as we press ahead with these ministry goals.
Second, we have set a goal to raise $100,000.00 for our Capital Fund to replenish the account after the significant expense incurred with the roof replacement. The Capital Fund is used to address unexpected maintenance issues on our property. Please consider a contribution of any size towards the Capital Fund this year to help us reach this modest goal.
Thank you again for your faithful partnership in the Gospel at Christ Church. Our congregation continues to far exceed national averages in financial stewardship; however, national averages are also not our benchmark. Our goal is to be a community yielded to God in every aspect of life as we delight in all that is ours through Jesus Christ. Let’s run unfettered towards that goal in the coming year!
Grace & Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church Presbyterian