Christ Church Christ Church

A Note from the Session | April 15, 2021

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your ongoing patience, cooperation, and prayers through this difficult season induced by a global pandemic. There have been many disappointments from the last year as we’ve been forced to scale back our ministries and implement safety standards to protect the health of our congregation. Despite these disruptions, we’ve managed to forge ahead, finding ways to worship and fellowship. God has been kind to us in granting us peace and unity through issues that have divided many congregations.

Our main priorities during this past year have been to facilitate corporate worship and to create an environment in which all our members are safe to gather. We are happy that the vast majority of our congregation has been able to return to worship. Of course, we’ve done that with the social imposition of face masks. But, at the end of the day, this is a small inconvenience to endure in order to be able to offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God together.

As we move into the summer, we plan to explore more avenues to renew our communion with God and with one another. Our normal fellowship activities, children’s ministries, and educational opportunities are all sorely missed. Please stay tuned over the coming weeks as we roll out a summer ministry plan and also present goals for re-opening several key ministries on August 15, 2021 for the fall.

As announced last week, our Session convened on Monday evening to discuss our current operating procedures. Our mayor, Lenny Curry, has lifted the mask mandate in Duval County; however, in the same communication, he also encouraged citizens to exercise personal responsibility as vaccinations move ahead. As of today, only 20.25% of our population is fully vaccinated; we still have some progress to make before herd immunity begins to wrangle the spread of the virus.

Given this, the Session has decided unanimously to continue to ask congregants to wear facial coverings during worship. Considering the significant number of things that remain unknown about the spread of the virus, it seems wise that we continue on our current path that has enabled us to gather without incident. Our Session will assess operating procedures from month-to-month as the pandemic abates. Masks are inconvenient; however, research indicates that they are effective in reducing viral transmission. Therefore, to prioritize the health and safety of our congregation—vaccinated and un-vaccinated alike—we ask that everyone please continue to wear a facial covering during worship.  

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation. During this season, let’s continue to set our minds on things above where Christ is seated, not on earthly things (Colossians 3.1-4). It is all too easy for us to be consumed by lesser things, elevating minor issues above the things of first importance (1 Corinthians 15.3). Let’s resist that temptation and continue to walk together in love which binds us together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3.14).


Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Jim Dickenson, Clerk of Session, on behalf of the Session

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The Year Ahead

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your wholehearted participation in the services at Christ Church during Holy Week! It was a gift to reflect solemnly on the death of Jesus Christ and to celebrate his resurrected life with joyful exuberance on Easter. Our God has done great things for us and will never fail to keep his promises in Jesus Christ.

After a long and wearying year, our Session looks forward to guiding our congregation through a process of evaluation and renewal as the pandemic abates. Due to our renovation project and the interruption of COVID-19, we’ve experienced two full years of ministry disruption. We are eager to pick-up many of our cherished traditions, enjoy fellowship without social impositions, and adopt some new patterns in our life together. Please stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details!

Also, please be assured that our Session will evaluate our current operating procedures to determine the best ways ahead. As we do so, we appreciate your ongoing patience, prayers, and endurance. There are many difficult and delicate issues to address that require grace, humility, and wisdom that comes only from God.

We desire for the coming year to be one of celebration and thanksgiving at Christ Church as we renew our communion with God and with one another. Currently, we are developing plans that will allow us to pursue these goals in new and enhanced ways. In keeping with this, the Session has also decided to grant our pastor, Chuck Colson, a fourteen-week Sabbatical in the summer of 2022. After nearly twenty years of full-time ministry, we desire for Chuck to have a sustained break that will allow him to engage deeply with God and his family in order to be renewed for future service among us.

Our Session is excited to afford the Colson family this rest and is unanimous in the decision. However, we also recognize that this is new information for you! To close this gap, we are including a Frequently Asked Questions document that will address certain questions and we’d like to invite you to a congregational forum this Sunday, April 11th, 2020, following the worship service. A brief presentation will walk through the Session’s rationale and there will be an opportunity for questions. Please join us!  

Again, thank you for your patience and endurance through this odd season and be assured of our ongoing prayers for God’s face to shine on you, renewing you in the knowledge of his grace and love revealed in Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Dave Lowe, Staff Committee Chair

Jim Dickenson, Clerk of Session (on behalf of the Session)

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Christ Church Christ Church

Good Friday Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 2, 2021

On Good Friday, it is appropriate for Christians to set aside special time for fasting and prayer. A fast in such a season is an opportunity for personal self-examination, lament for the broken state of our world, and supplication on behalf of all people.

And so, we encourage all those who are medically able to spend this Friday engaging with God ahead of our communal dinner at 5.30 pm where we will break the fast together. Below is a suggested format that provides a structure to guide your prayers in six sessions through the course of the day: 7 am; 9 am; 11 am; 1 pm; 3 pm; 5 pm.

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Christ Church Christ Church

Worship Service Update | November 24, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoy a peaceful and restful holiday this week.

During the months of the pandemic, we have offered two services on Sunday mornings in order to provide a safe environment for our congregation. Out of concern for the spread of contagions, our Session chose to operate in a conservative manner, asking attendees to wear face masks and to observe six feet of social distance while indoors. Thus far, we have been able to successfully negotiate the pandemic without incident. However, the division of our community into two services has been less than ideal.

With the season of Advent beginning this Sunday, November 29th, we plan to return to one morning worship service at 10:30 AM. We are eager to have our entire community gathered to offer thanks and praise to God with one voice this Sunday!

The arrival of additional chairs this week enabled us to create a new seating arrangement in the sanctuary that extends our capacity significantly. In accord with our mayor’s order, we will continue to require all attendees over six years of age to wear a facial covering when inside. Though uncomfortable and inconvenient, facemasks have proven to be a help in slowing down the spread of the virus, especially in circumstances in which social distance cannot be maintained.

Our new seating arrangement allows for fifty-two socially distanced seats in the front of the sanctuary. Priority will be given in this section to elderly and at-risk populations within our community. A large aisle divides the front section from a rear section where larger family units will be seated. In this section, along with the balcony, we are providing distance from other family units by not seating attendees immediately behind one another. Per normal, bulletins will be laid out to provide a seating guide. This operational procedure enables us to function at 50% capacity—a conservative capacity load that respects all local protocols.

Please make note of this change and tell your friends! We are excited about this development and will continue to operate with the greatest care and concern possible for the health of our community. For those unable to attend, the service will continue to be available on the livestream at 10:30 AM.

So, grab your facemask and let’s go up to the house of God together this Sunday!

Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church

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Christ Church Christ Church

Financial Update | October 30, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your ongoing grace and patience through a difficult season. COVID-19 has challenged every aspect of our community’s operations. Despite these challenges, we continue to find ways to gather for worship safely and to bear one another’s burdens in fellowship. In all the awkwardness of the pandemic, God continues to bless our church, nurturing us in his Word and adding new people week by week. 

As we approach the end of 2020, it is important to provide our congregation with a comprehensive financial update. As always, it is our pledge to speak with you honestly about financial matters as part of your Christian discipleship. Financial stewardship is not so much about the church’s budget as it is about our faithfulness in expressing gratitude to God for his grace poured out on us in Jesus Christ. Additionally, it is important to remember that all financial analysis at Christ Church is done free of personal information. In order to remain objective, the pastors of our church do not know who gives what to the church. 

Through the first half of the year, our church’s finances were in solid shape. At the end of June, our contribution income and budget were dead even. This included the perilous weeks in which there was a government mandated shut down! In fact, during those weeks, our church rallied together in a tremendous outpouring of generosity, exceeding budget expectations and providing thousands of dollars in food assistance to our sister church, Elohim Evangelical. 

However, as the pandemic has worn on, we have fallen off this trajectory. As of today, we are 7.5%, or $43,623.00, behind budget for the year. It is important to note that this shortage was incurred entirely in the past four months (July—October). Across these four months, our contribution income ran 21% behind budget. The staff has worked diligently to keep expenses below budget; however, the need to provide online streaming services during the pandemic required a significant capital investment that was not in the 2020 budget plan. Due to this unanticipated expense, our actual expenses are only slightly below budgeted expenses. In summary, we are not in terrible financial position, but we do need to arrest the current financial trend and finish with a strong November and December. 

After analyzing the giving data, there is one significant identifiable pattern. During the past four months (July—October), the number of households contributing per month was less than the number of households contributing per month in the first half of the year. That noted, the overall number of contributing households in 2020 has increased. So, while we have an increased number of households contributing to the budget, there has been a decline in the number of households contributing each month. It appears that there is a substantial amount of inconsistency in our contributions. There is, of course, a direct correlation between the number of households contributing per month and our monthly income. 

Given the disruptions caused by COVID-19, it is not entirely surprising to see these challenges. Normal patterns for financial contributions have changed, requiring members to adopt new patterns. Change is difficult and requires intentionality. Additionally, the political and social upheaval in our society this year has created an uncertain economic environment. Such circumstances tend to trigger conservative financial responses. In such a moment, it is important for us to ward off temptations to shrink back in fear or to slump in apathy. Our God remains the same for us through this trial and affords us the opportunity to testify to his grace through our confidence and faithfulness.  

To this end, we encourage our congregation to partner with us in doing two things. 

  • Please review your financial stewardship for 2020. It is helpful to perform a personal audit in order to assess your personal giving. In doing so, many discover that their intentions were better than actual performance. A personal audit is a healthy discipline for all Christians.

  • Please consider using our online platform for contributing to the church. Regular automated giving can be scheduled through this method. With the limitations imposed by the pandemic to our congregation’s life, it is easy to get out of routine with giving. On this front, technology is a friend; use it to your advantage. If you need assistance with setting this up, please do not hesitate to call our church administrator, Charlotte Reeves, at 904-262-5588.

Thank you for your attention to these details and for your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ Church has always been a warm and generous congregation. I trust that God will give us every grace to continue in that path in the years ahead (Philippians 4:19).

Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church

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Christ Church Christ Church

Children's Ministry Update | September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

Dear Families of Christ Church,

Thank you for your patience and perseverance over the past six months since the global pandemic upset our normal operations at Christ Church. Unfortunately, one of the ministries most impacted is our Children’s Ministry—a responsibility and privilege that we seek to fulfill with excellence at Christ Church. It is a grief that we cannot gather our children in their School of Discipleship, hold a nursery, or pull the kids together for a choir. These ministries are rich and important in the life of our church.

However, with these inconveniences, there is also great opportunity. Our work at Christ Church is always and only a compliment to the work of our families training their children in the knowledge of God. Given this, our goal is to serve you as best as possible in your discipleship at home this fall. To that end, we will be releasing a virtual School of Discipleship lesson each Sunday on the Ten Commandments. The lessons are lovingly prepared by our children’s ministry and will provide our kids with a familiar feel to their normal classes. Children will be walked through Bible lessons, memory work, and art responses. Our desire is to assist you in engaging your kids with the truths of the Christian faith to the best of our ability in this complicated season. Please enjoy!

Also, we recognize that gathering for worship is difficult for families with young children, especially without childcare available. While we prize the involvement of our children of all ages in the worship service, we never imagined that every child would be present throughout every service! That said, we would like to commend our families for working so diligently with their children to teach them to worship. It has been amazing to see our little ones adjust to this new reality. Squawks and screams are not a problem! Please know that we are delighted your kids are present. It is a gift to have them in the presence of the living God, being shaped and formed by his Spirit in ways they do not even yet fully recognize. And, this makes all the effort and distraction you endure through a service worth it. Be assured of our ongoing prayers because we know it is a challenge!

As always, please let us know if you have any particular questions or concerns. We are here to serve you and your children. We are grateful for each of you and look forward to the new season ahead!


Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Allison Ristau, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

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Christ Church Christ Church

Christ Church Update | September 10, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

As our nation continues to wrestle with the implications of a global pandemic, we give thanks to God for each of you as you exhibit your faith in Jesus Christ, hope in the salvation that is to come, and love for all the saints. COVID-19 has certainly disrupted our normal rhythms of life and ministry at Christ Church; however, God has multiplied his grace and peace among us in this season, turning our hearts to him and to one another. It is a privilege to see the ways you daily care for one another and an honor to serve as your pastor through these troubled days.

Our desire is to continue to provide good spiritual care for our entire congregation through this odd time by offering safe environments for public worship, facilitating opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study, and creating high quality digital resources to stimulate spiritual growth. With the launch of our fall ministries this Sunday, please note the following developments in our congregation’s life.

Worship Services

In order to comfortably accommodate our congregation with appropriate social distancing protocols, please remember that, beginning this Sunday, we will hold two worship services (9 AM and 10:30 AM). The early service will begin promptly at 9 AM. If you plan to attend the late service, please arrive early in order to enjoy fellowship outdoors with those who attend the early service. We would love to preserve our communal fellowship and connections as much as possible as we gather on the Lord’s Day through this season. In compliance with our mayor’s order, facemasks are required at all services for those above six years of age. For those unable to attend, our livestream of the service will continue to be offered at 10:30 AM. 

Church Directory Update

This Sunday we will take photos for a new church directory! If you have not taken a photo previously, or if you desire to update your photo, please see Charlotte Reeves in the front yard between services or after the late service. We appreciate your help as we seek to update our directory.


All newcomers to Christ Church, who are interested in learning more about our community and the membership process, please join us for a brief meeting in the sanctuary following the late service this Sunday, September 13. It will be our delight to welcome you, introduce our staff, and provide an overview of the ministry of our church. Time will also be reserved for questions.

Virtual School of Discipleship and Small Groups

Also, this Sunday we encourage you to participate in our virtual School of Discipleship that will be made available digitally through the website. A team of teachers will provide our congregation with high quality biblical teaching to encourage your walk with God. A congregational email will be sent out this weekend with the web link. Please tune in! And, please watch for small group sign-ups. These groups will be hosted throughout the week at the church building with appropriate social distancing measures in place.  

Financial Update

As we exit the summer months, we desire to provide our congregation with a financial update. Despite all the challenges of COVID-19, we are happy to report that we are in solid financial shape!


Budget                  $524,000.00

Giving                   $510,303.76

Difference         -2.6%

Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness to Christ Church during such a challenging year! We fell slightly behind budget due to a slack offering in July. Given this, please partner with us for a solid month of September as we seek to finish the third quarter in good form.

Again, thank you for your grace and patience through this season. I am grateful for each of you and eagerly anticipate what God has in store for us in the months ahead. Life’s trials are never pleasant in the moment, but through them our God is faithful to yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness as he lovingly directs us to himself.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson, Pastor (on behalf of the session)







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Fall Ministries Update | August 12, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your ongoing patience and partnership in the Gospel as our Session seeks to develop a ministry plan to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of our congregation in response to the ongoing crisis presented by COVID-19. We live in a challenging cultural moment, but we are grateful for the opportunity to press forward in communing with God in worship and serving in his mission to our city. 

Please read the following carefully for an outline of our plan for the fall. 

Sunday Worship 

With increased attendance at our worship service this summer, we will return to two services on Sunday mornings in order to maintain social distancing protocols. Therefore, beginning on September 13, 2020, we will gather for worship at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Attendance at each service will be limited to one hundred and fifty participants. The seating arrangement, ensuring at least six feet of distance between family units, will continue. And, in compliance with our mayor’s order, we will continue to request that all attendees over the age of six wear a face covering. For those not able to join us, the livestream of the service will continue to be offered at 10:30 AM.

Due to concerns about the spread of the virus, childcare and other children’s ministries will not be open. However, we commend all our parents and children for slugging it out through this season. The kids are adjusting beautifully to a new reality. And, an occasional shriek or scream in worship is good for a pack of Presbyterians! The multi-purpose room will remain open for wiggly toddlers; nursing mothers will also continue to have access to the cry rooms and the infant nursery. Please take advantage of these spaces to care for your children as needed.

Virtual School of Discipleship

With the restrictions social distancing introduces on childcare, we do not believe that we can safely operate our School of Discipleship on Sunday mornings this fall. This is a loss for our community, especially since we looked forward to resuming this ministry after the renovation. That said, we do intend to provide high quality educational resources for our church through a virtual School of Discipleship. Video lectures will be released for the adults each week beginning on September 13, 2020. Our children’s ministry will also release a video and resource families with an at home curriculum that will walk the children of Christ Church through the Ten Commandments. 

Small Group Bible Studies

Traditionally, our church has hosted various sized Bible studies throughout the week in homes, restaurants, and at the church. Due to concerns over the spread of the virus, we do not believe it is wise for small groups to gather in home environments. Given this, several morning and evening Bible studies, primarily through our men’s and women’s ministries, will be hosted at the church building. Groups will meet in our multi-purpose room and under the pavilion with social distancing parameters. Sign-ups for groups of approximately 8-12 individuals will be available in the near weeks. Please remain posted for specific details. 

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding through these strange times. God is faithfully providing for our congregation and we are eager to continue in his work. We are grateful for each of you and continue to pray for your health and prosperity, in body and soul, through this challenging season.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Jim Dickenson, Clerk-of-Session

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Christ Church Update - July 1, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thanks for your continued patience and partnership in the Gospel through this challenging season. I am grateful for each of you and continue to hold you in my prayers. These are strange and uncertain times, but please remember that our God remains the same—yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is our shepherd who keeps us from all want, even in the darkest of hours (Psalm 23:1-6). 

Due to the rise of positive COVID-19 cases in North Florida, our mayor, Lenny Curry, issued an emergency order this week mandating the use of face masks in public and indoor locations for every person over the age of six years old. Therefore, beginning this Sunday, July 5, 2020, face masks will be required of all attendees over six years of age. If you do not have a mask, or perhaps forget to bring one, Christ Church will have face coverings available.

Also, with this change in operations, we will hold ONE worship service at 10:30 AM for those able to attend. With summer attendance patterns, we have the capacity to comfortably accommodate attendees while also observing good distance from other family units. For those unable to attend, the livestream of the worship service will be available at 10:30 AM this week and may be viewed at any time following the service from the church website.

Additionally, please continue to observe the following guidelines for worship.

  • We ask that our attendees respect social distancing guidelines, especially before and after the service. Please visit with friends and socialize outside of the building. The new pavilion provides a wonderful space to do so.   

  • Please refrain from attending if you have been exposed recently to the virus or are not feeling well.

As Christians, we are happy to comply with our governing authorities request as they seek the general welfare of our city (Romans 13:1-7). Face masks are uncomfortable and inconvenient, but we live in uncomfortable and inconvenient times.

So, grab your mask this Sunday and join us as we gather to worship God; who, despite all the chaos of our world, remains worthy of all our praise. Let’s continue to seek him with our whole hearts through this challenging season.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Grace and Peace in Jesus, 

Chuck Colson, Pastor

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Christ Church Christ Church

A Day of Fasting & Prayer - June 19, 2020

Please join us for a day of fasting and prayer as we grieve the tensions and fear in our society. In these times, it is most appropriate for God’s people to turn to him, listen to his Word, and offer prayers to him on behalf of the whole world. A prayer guide is attached below for your convenience.

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Christ Church Christ Church

Listening, Learning, and Praying

June 11, 2020 

Dear Christ Church Family,

With the death of George Floyd in police custody, racial tensions embroiled our nation, revealing deep scars and wounds that mar our society. These events reflect the hard and sad legacy of slavery and segregation that plagued our nation for three hundred and forty-five years. Though much changed legally for African Americans with the Civil Rights Act in 1964, much has also remained the same experientially for this community. The United States has long held out the promise of justice and equality for all peoples. However, our nation, in its unique history, has also long been challenged in implementing this ideal for minority communities, especially African Americans.

As Christians, this grieves us. We confess that all humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28; James 3:9). Given this, all are due dignity, respect, and equal treatment as images of their Creator. We are saddened that this is not the reality in our society. We long for the day when God will bring forth justice and equity, righting all the wrongs of our broken and tired world.

We acknowledge that we do not understand all the issues, nor do we have answers for all the problems. That said, it seems like a good season to apply God’s commandment to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19). Let’s strive to become more aware of the pain and frustrations of our African American neighbors—30% of our city’s population—so that we can know how to love them well (Matthew 6:12; 22:39).

To that end, we’d encourage our congregation to listen to the heartfelt pain vocalized by our brother in Christ, Shai Linne, in his well-articulated piece at The Gospel Coalition. You may also find it helpful to watch a film like Just Mercy or Selma. These are both excellent resources for entering into the experience of the African American community. Additionally, we’d like to invite our entire congregation to join us on Friday, June 19th for a communal day of fasting and prayer for our nation in light of the recent racial tensions. A prayer guide for the day will be made available next week.

As a church, our goal is to be salt and light in our city and our world (Matthew 5:13-16). We desire to be people who seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). And so, join us in this humble task of listening, learning, and praying.

As you do so, be assured of our prayers for you, and for our entire city, that you may know the breadth and the length, the height and the depth of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.


Grace and Peace in Jesus,

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Jim Dickenson, Clerk-of-Session, on behalf of the Session 

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A City Set on a Hill

June 3, 2020 

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your continued steadfastness through this tumultuous season in our society. The upheaval caused by the COVID-19 crisis and the murder of George Floyd have shaken our nation deeply. There is fear and uncertainty around every corner. In such a challenging cultural moment, it is essential for us to be a city set on a hill, shining light into our troubled world (Matthew 5:14-16).

To that end, our brothers and sisters at Elohim Evangelical Church—a PCA church that ministers to the Haitian community on the westside of Jacksonville—are experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 crisis. Jobs have been lost, work hours have been cut, and basic necessities are in short supply. Amidst the tensions that embroil our society, this is a beautiful opportunity for our community to be the Church by demonstrating our love and affection for God’s household—comprised of every tribe and tongue—by giving generously to this particular community’s needs.

In the first century, the apostle Paul expended a great deal of energy collecting funds from the newly formed churches around the Roman empire to send a gift to the church in Jerusalem that was in need (Romans 15:25-32; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15; Galatians 2:9-10). The new churches were made up of Gentiles and Jews; however, the church in Jerusalem was predominantly Jewish. Paul’s collection was an act of mercy and an exhibition of the Church’s solidarity in Jesus Christ. The gift was designed as a statement over and against the theological, racial, and political tensions between Jews and Gentiles that challenged the nascent Church. As one new family in Jesus Christ, Jews and Gentiles had been reconciled to God through Jesus and adopted into one family (Galatians 3:25-29; Ephesians 2:11-22). Therefore, they were to welcome one another and care for one another’s needs (Romans 15:7; Galatians 6:10). In Christ, there was to be no Jew or Greek—they were brothers and sisters in Him (Colossians 3:11). Without question, the Gospel cast a revolutionary vision of a new community into the world of the first century.

And, it continues to do so today. 

In our own time, we have opportunity to demonstrate these fundamental convictions, seeking to show mercy and working against the racial fractures that embroil our society. Please join us in a generous outpouring of love for our brothers and sisters at Elohim. It would be a great joy to see our Narthex overflowing with food this Sunday!  

A wide variety of food items are needed. Please consider the following as you purchase:

·      Dry goods, like pasta, rice, and beans;

·      Canned vegetables and sauces;

·      Sources of protein, like canned tuna and chicken.

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. And, may God make all grace abound to Christ Church, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, we may abound in every good work through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,

Chuck Colson

Pastor, Christ Church

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Christ Church Update - May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your ongoing faithfulness and steadfastness through these uncertain times! We deeply appreciate your patience as we work to address the spiritual and physical needs of our congregation amidst the challenges presented by COVID-19. 

This week our governor, Ron DeSantis, issued another Executive Order that fully implemented Phase One of his plan to re-open Florida. The guidelines present two main standards: (1) the continuation of social distancing protocols and (2) limitations of occupancy to 50% of building capacity. Though the governor’s orders are not directed to churches, our Session has sought to uphold and, in several cases, go beyond the standards of the guidelines to protect our congregation’s health while also providing weekly opportunities to commune with God in worship.

For the remainder of Phase One, our plan is to continue to hold two services on Sunday mornings that maintain social distancing protocols and limit attendance to 33% of the sanctuary’s seating capacity (150 maximum attendance out of 450 available seats). This will ensure an excess of six feet between family units during worship as we work with health officials to limit new infections.

PLEASE NOTE: service times will change this week to 9:30 AM and 11 AM. Additionally, we will NOT continue to direct the congregation to attend a particular service by alphabet. Please attend the service that is most convenient for you.

Additionally, please read the following guidelines carefully as a few of our operations have been updated.

  • While we have aggressively implemented social distancing protocols and cleaning regimens, we cannot guarantee a non-compromised environment. All common areas of the church building must be used at one’s own risk.

  • The Governor recommends that members over the age of sixty-five and those who are immune compromised should remain at home. For those uncomfortable attending, we will continue to provide a virtual worship service.

  • Any who feel ill, have been exposed to the virus, traveled internationally within fourteen days of the service, or recently traveled to “hot spots” are asked to refrain from attending services.

  • Ushers will guide all attenders directly to their seats where bulletins are already dispersed. Family units will be seated together. Please do not congregate in the aisles or other common areas of the church. We encourage the congregation to socialize outside of the building. Also, please refrain from all physical greetings.

  • Due to concerns surrounding the spread of the virus, the Session asks the congregation NOT to sing. Yes, this is odd, but it is a necessity during Phase One. Per our normal services, we will have excellent music offered to the Lord by our musicians. We encourage you to participate with open ears, meditation, humming, mouthing the words, or clapping, if you like. It is a bit strange, but we are in a strange season. Nonetheless, we’ve made it work over the past several weeks and will continue to do so!

  • The balcony will be open for seating this week. The cry rooms will also be available for nursing mothers and parents with restless children.

  • Services will be roughly 45-50 minutes in duration. There will be no coffee service and no passing of offering plates. Offerings may be deposited in the appointed basket on the way out of the building at the close of the service.

Thank you for your attention to these details. We appreciate your partnership in working to implement these standards.

Please be assured of our ongoing prayers for your health and spiritual well-being during this season. We are certainly not without challenge, but yet we are also not wanting for comfort. Our Lord reminds us that we can have peace during troubled times because He has overcome the world (John 16:33)!

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ, 

Chuck Colson, Pastor

Jim Dickenson, Clerk-of-Session, on behalf of the Session

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Christ Church Update - May 16, 2020

May 16, 2020

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your continued patience and faithfulness through the present crisis. God has multiplied his grace and favor upon us through this challenging season. Please be assured of our prayers that he continues to bless you in body and soul. 

As a quick reminder, we will hold two worship services tomorrow in the new sanctuary. In accordance with our Governor’s instructions, the services will implement social distancing measures and be limited to 25% capacity of the maximum occupancy. 

Please be mindful of the following guidelines for worship tomorrow. 

  • The Governor recommends that members over the age of sixty-five or who are immune compromised should remain at home. While we are aggressively implementing social distancing protocols and cleaning regimens, we cannot guarantee a non-compromised environment. If you have concern about contracting the virus, please continue to take advantage of the virtual worship option. 

  • Additionally, any who feel ill, have been exposed to the virus, traveled internationally within fourteen days of the service, or recently traveled to “hot spots” are asked to refrain from attending. 

  • Members and regular attenders with last names A-L are invited to attend the 9 AM service; M-Z are invited to the 10:30 AM service. If you need a special accommodation, please contact our Church Administrator, Charlotte Reeves, at admin@christchurchmandarin.org

  • No children’s ministries will be offered with the exception of an outdoor “rolling nursery” for infants (0-1). Our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Allison Ristau, will be in touch with our families to provide operational details. 

  • Ushers will guide all attenders directly to their seats where bulletins are already dispersed. Family units will be seated together. Please do not sit with anyone outside of your family unit or in a seat where there is no bulletin.

  • Please arrive early to the service in order to assist us with the seating process. Please access the sanctuary through the front doors. The side doors to the building will not be used. 

  • Services will be roughly 45-50 minutes in duration. There will be no coffee service and no passing of offering plates. Offerings may be deposited in the appointed basket on the way out of the building at the close of the service. 

Additionally, it is important for the congregation to observe the following social distancing guidelines for the service. 

  • We ask the congregation to respect one another by observing six feet of distance. Please do not congregate in the Narthex. Ushers will guide attenders from the front doors to seats in the sanctuary. Also, please refrain from all physical greetings (handshakes, hugs, elbow bumps). 

  • Due to concerns surrounding the spread of the virus, the Session asks the congregation NOT to sing. Yes, this is odd, but it is a necessity during Phase One. Per our normal services, we will have excellent music offered to the Lord by our musicians. We encourage you to participate with open ears, meditation, humming, or clapping, if you like. It will be a bit strange, but we are in a strange season. Nonetheless, we plan to make it awesome!  

  • If at all possible, please refrain from use of the bathrooms. However, they are operational for emergency purposes. 

  • At the close of the service, rows will be dismissed in an orderly fashion. Please retreat outside where you will be free to socialize with socially distanced parameters. 

Thank you for your attention to these details! There are many restrictions, but it will be worth observing the restrictions to gather together for the worship of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,

Chuck Colson, Pastor, Christ Church

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Christ Church Christ Church

Christ Church Update - May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020
Dear Christ Church Family,
Thank you for your patience and continued partnership in the Gospel through this challenging season. God has been actively at work in our community as we’ve taken advantage of the available means for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. Through the challenges, the Lord has been gracious to our community in innumerable ways, preserving us in body and soul.
Last week, our Governor, Ron DeSantis, issued an executive order that provides guidelines for three phases towards re-opening the state of Florida. These guidelines offered a template for our Session in determining best practices for returning to public worship.
We are delighted to announce that we will hold public worship services this Sunday, May 10, 2020 in our new sanctuary! While it will not be the grand re-opening we envisioned, we are grateful simply to gather to worship God. That said, in compliance with the Governor’s order, our Session has implemented strict guidelines in order to provide a safe environment.
During Phase One, we will gather for worship with social distancing practices implemented. Two services will be held this Sunday at 25% capacity of the maximum occupancy. In our new sanctuary, this means that we will welcome 112 people per service (the maximum occupancy of the sanctuary is 450). In other words, we can very graciously distance members from one another in this environment. There will be an excess of six feet between family units. We are excited to gather with those able to attend to introduce you to our beautiful, fully-renovated sanctuary.
In order for this plan to work, we will need the congregation to comply with the following instructions. Please read carefully!

  • Members who are over the age of sixty-five, immune compromised, or feeling ill are urged to stay at home. Additionally, those who have been exposed to someone with the virus, traveled internationally within fourteen days of the service, or recently traveled to “hot spots” are asked to refrain from attending. We will continue to offer a virtual service through this phase in order to accommodate those who cannot attend. 

  • Members and regular attenders with last names A-L are invited to attend the 9 AM service; M-Z are invited to the 10:30 AM service. If you need a special accommodation, please contact our Church Administrator, Charlotte Reeves, atadmin@christchurchmandarin.org.

  • No children’s ministries will be offered with the exception of an outdoor “rolling nursery” for infants (0-1). Our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Allison Ristau, will be in touch with our families to provide operational details.

  • Ushers will guide all attenders directly to their seats where bulletins are already dispersed. Family units will be seated together. Please do not sit with anyone outside of your family unit or in a seat where there is no bulletin.

  • Please arrive early to the service in order to assist us with the seating process. Please access the sanctuary through the front doors. The side doors to the building will not be used.

  • Services will be roughly 45-50 minutes in duration. There will be no coffee service and no passing of offering plates. Offerings may be deposited in the appointed basket on the way out of the building at the close of the service.

Additionally, it is important for the congregation to observe the following social distancing guidelines for the service.

  • We ask the congregation to respect one another by observing six feet of distance. Please do not congregate in the Narthex. Ushers will guide attenders from the front doors to seats in the sanctuary. Also, please refrain from all physical greetings (handshakes, hugs, elbow bumps).

  • Though very tempting, we ask the congregation not to tour the building once inside. We will have an open house on Saturday, May 16, 2020 to allow for socially distanced tours of the facility. We are very eager to introduce you to the entire campus! Please stay tuned for details next week.

  • Due to concerns surrounding the aerosolization of the virus, the Session asks the congregation NOT to sing. Yes, this is odd, but it is a necessity during Phase One. Per our normal services, we will have excellent music offered to the Lord by our musicians. We encourage you to participate with open ears, meditation, humming, or clapping, if you like. It will be a bit strange, but we are in a strange season. Nonetheless, we plan to make it awesome!

  • If at all possible, please refrain from use of the bathrooms. However, they are operational for emergency purposes.

  • At the close of the service, rows will be dismissed in an orderly fashion. Please retreat outside where you will be free to socialize with socially distanced parameters.

Thank you for your attention to these details! There are many restrictions, but it will be worth observing the restrictions to gather together for the worship of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ,
Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church

Jim Dickenson
Clerk-of-Session, Christ Church
(on behalf of the Session)

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Christ Church Christ Church

A Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 24

It has been a great privilege to approach God in prayer and fasting this month. In order to continue asking God to have mercy on our church and the world, our Session has called another fast for Friday, April 24th, from sunrise to sunset. We ask all members, medically able, to please join us.

Below you will find a guide to lead you through three sessions of prayer—morning, noon, and evening—on Friday. We recommend that you set aside 15-30 minutes of quiet for each session. We do hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you!

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns for prayer.

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Christ Church Christ Church

A Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 17

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to ravage our world, it is important for all Christians to cry out to God for help on behalf of our world. And so, the Session of Christ Church requests all members, who are medically able, to participate in another day of congregational fasting & prayer. We invite you to join us this Friday, April 17, for a day of prayer from sunrise to sunset. We will implore God together through a wide range of subjects. A suggested guide for the day may be found by clicking the button below. We recommend that you read the provided Scripture verses at the top of each hour, meditate upon them, and spend time praying through the suggested bidding.
This is a challenging season in which we need to boldly implore God to work in his world. Let’s do that together even while we are apart!

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Christ Church Christ Church

Good Friday Day of Fasting & Prayer

This Good Friday, along with Christians around the world, the Session requests all members of Christ Church, who are medically able, to participate in a days of congregational fasting and prayer from sunrise to sunset. We will implore God together for a wide range of subjects. A suggested guide for the day may be found by clicking the button below. We recommend that you read the provided Scripture verses at the top of each hour, meditate upon them, and spend time praying through the suggested bidding.
This is a challenging season in which we need to boldly implore God to work in his world. Let’s do that together even while we are apart!

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Christ Church Christ Church

A Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 3

Over the next two weeks, the Session requests all members of Christ Church, who are medically able, to participate in two days of congregational fasting. We invite you to join us on Friday, April 3rd, and Friday, April 10th, for a day of prayer from sunrise to sunset. We will implore God together for a wide range of subjects. A suggested guide for the day may be found by clicking the button below. We recommend that you read the provided Scripture verses at the top of each hour, meditate upon them, and spend time praying through the suggested bidding.
This is a challenging season in which we need to boldly implore God to work in his world. Let’s do that together even while we are apart!

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Chuck Colson Chuck Colson

A Lament for My Friend

tim russell.png

Gracious Father,

Yesterday brought hard, troubling news to my soul. I was not prepared for the death of my spiritual father and beloved friend, Timothy Russell. His days were known to you from of old; I doubt not your wisdom or your care for him. Tim knew that all things, even death, belonged to him because he belonged to Jesus Christ. Today, he joins angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven, in joyous festival as they await the great final day.

That said, I grieve the loss of my brother with whom I’ve shared friendship for many good years. Through trials and troubles, fears and failures, successes and setbacks, Tim was present to cheer, guide, and challenge. Years ago, he pledged his love: “I promise to hug you around the neck and knee you in the groin.” With diligence, he kept this vow. He was steadfast, wise, faithful, and true.

I grieve that I’ll not hear his commanding voice greet me by phone. Each call began: “This is the servant of the servant of the Lord.” It was an unalloyed pleasure to share in conversation with him throughout each week. The Psalms were constant companions in our conversations. I’ll miss his laughter and his stories, his wisdom and his wit. These were the gifts of friendship he shared.

I grieve that his upcoming visit for the dedication of our sanctuary will not be. With our commitments to ministry, opportunities to see one another were difficult to find. But, the deep waters of last year opened the door for a visit—it was a gift. Then, in an unexpected turn, schedules allowed for him to return this Spring. I felt like a thief, enjoying plunder undeserved. We were to have leisure to pray and to talk about the kids, my studies, and our hopes for the future. My heart is broken not to see him again.

Have mercy, O God. Have mercy.

However, in my grief, it is good and right to give you thanks for your mercies. With each day, they are ever new. Even in times of trouble, you are the same faithful God—yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

I am grateful for the life of my friend. Before the foundations of the world, you set your affections upon him in Jesus Christ, singling him out for adoption as a son. By your Spirit, you turned him from self, freeing him to turn to Jesus in faith. Tim comprehended a measure of your great love made known in Jesus Christ. He, then, translated that into love for those in his care. From him, I learned a measure of what it means to care for others and, even more so, a measure of what it means to be loved by you. Thank you for allowing our lives to intersect. It was a privilege.

Thank you for the gift of Tim’s wisdom and insight. These do not perish; they will continue in the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to have received them. May they be passed to another generation.

Thank you for his willingness to walk with me, explaining patiently the painful scars of injustice and racism in our world. He sought to cross the divide, erasing the hostility erected by humans. He comprehended that your Son broke down the wall of hostility, reconciling people from every tribe and tongue and nation to God. Yes, that is the Jesus he knew! He was courageous and vulnerable in those conversations. I will be forever grateful for his willingness to wade into that water.

And, thank you for his hope! Even though we poked at one another about how you intend to wrap up this broken age, his hope for the world to come was infectious. He understood that you would undo the wrongs of this world, ending the long, sad saga of Adam’s shame. He knew, with certainty, that our Lord Jesus would return with the city of Zion. On that day, sin’s stain will be removed, dead bodies will be raised, death will be destroyed, and you will once again dwell with your people, stooping to wipe every tear from our eyes. Yes, all things will be made new. Father, you taught him this hope; let it be our peace.

Even though my heart is swollen with grief today, it also swells with gratitude. I lift up my heart to you, O God; be not far from me in my distress. Bottle up my tears; replace them with shouts of joy. Grant me to grieve in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN.

Listen to the sermon Tim preached at Christ Church on February 3, 2019 here.

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